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Netwerkpro is internationally active
in several innovative projects

We create an autonomous
future for women.
We do this through
empowerment training
and mentorship.



We establish sustainable
connections between
local municipalities,
employers, residents and
other beneficiaries



We have developed
different programmes to
empower individuals with
a distance to the
labour markt and society.




MISUP stand for Building Stronger Communities for Migrants Across Europe by empowering local migrant support organizations (MSOs). Migrants play a vital role in shaping diverse and thriving communities, but the organizations that support them often face challenges in growing and sustaining their impact. That’s where our project comes in.


MOBILITY promotes labor participation among female migrants from closed communities and supports them in improving their socio-economic independence. An important part of this is becoming familiar with European values, history, and opportunities in society. A good understanding of European integration, awareness of one’s own possibilities, and fostering a confident identity are strengthened by knowledge of what has been achieved within Europe.


RES-MOVE explores how coworking can support migrant inclusion. This includes coworking spaces as well as fablabs, makerspaces, and coworking in libraries and cafés. These spaces are growing and offer new opportunities for the labor inclusion of skilled migrants, especially freelancers, artisans, start-ups, and knowledge workers like researchers, teachers, trainers, and translators.


The Green Step represents a partnership between various European organizations, that aim to follow a holistic approach to support, raise awareness and build capacity about environmental and climate-change challenges in the sphere of adult education. The partners of the project have identified gaps in adult education, regarding responsible citizenship and climate change. The purpose of the project is to educate adult educators and learners to develop knowledge, skills, values and behaviors for addressing the problems mentioned above.


Future Mothers, pathways to an autonomous future for mothers, is a small-scale collaboration between Caregivers SRL from Romania and Netwerkpro, starting in 2023. With our project BLOOM we contribute to the social and professional empowerment of vulnerable mothers.


The project Women4Integration (W-IN), cofounded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund wants to support the economic and social integration of vulnerable migrant women living in marginalized neighbourhoods of big European metropolis. It is realized in Italy, Spain, the Netherland and Sweden and takes place in four marginalized areas of Amsterdam (East and South-East), Barcelona (Raval), Malmö (Rosengård) and Milan (San Siro).

All these neighbourhoods are characterized by a high concentration of migrant population and a high presence of foreign women, particularly vulnerable due to low levels of schooling and precarious socio-economic conditions. However, they are also neighbourhoods in which there is a strong presence of active local networks, made up of informal groups and associations that work daily to promote social cohesion.


Netwerkpro and FMDO, a Belgium organisation have been working together on the strengthening of women with a migration background. The project Trainers for the Future is part of a European project from Erasmus+, which makes the exchange between both organizations possible.


Over the last two years, we have supported 360 female newcomers in Europe, together with our partners in Cyprus, Spain, Malta, Italy and Greece.

With these partners, we launched WINGS: ‘Social and economic empowerment of migrant women’ in late 2020. An innovative and ambitious project to make 360 female newcomers socially and economically independent. In addition, the project provides adult education professionals with the means to contribute to this. Each partner has its own expertise in education, integration and empowerment of newcomers

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